
December 31st

Today is the last day of this year. We call this day "Oo-misoka" . “Oo-misoka” originally coming from the traditional Japanese calendar means the latest day of the last day of each month. Generally the last day of month was called “Misoka” , this is meant that the moon hide. Japanese people had use the phases of moon for their calendar. They had use the phases of moon to decide many things like cultivating or harvest. The last day of December is the completery final day of  each last day of month. So we call this day “Oo-misoka” that added the word meaning “big” or “major“.

 Of course today is the last day of my studying English in 2019. And tomorrow will be first day of my English learning day of 2020. I will never give up until my dream comes true.




  • 作者:神宮館編集部
  • 出版社/メーカー: 神宮館
  • 発売日: 2019/08/01
  • メディア: 単行本