
March 17th Tuesday

March is the graduation season, here in Japan. But this year, there is something wrong with that.

Japan has been attacked by Coronavirus for nationwide. The graduation ceremony held at a reduced schedule. For instance, annual congratulately speech had canceled, guests of honor had not come. Some said that this was too quietly while others said that this was enough to cereblate. I think this year's ceremony is rather ideal to than before because there was nobody has welcomed such a long speech or a guest who nobody knows the face. 

Coronavirus has brought many huge problem a whole world and of course still remain the issues, but from the other view, it has brought us the opportunity to change and review. After all, it is the most important thing how we see and solve a problem, I think. 

Obviously the most urgent and crucial thing is saving the life.





  • 作者:苅野進
  • 発売日: 2017/09/21
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)